The most crucial elements of your financial plan would be life insurance. Nonetheless, numerous misconceptions concerning life insurance often deter people, largely because of how these products are marketed and sold for a significant length of time. Let us delve into some frequent errors that people, looking forward to buying insurance policies, should avoid.
1. Undervaluing the requirement for insurance
Several life insurance purchasers base their decision on the insurance coverage they want and the amount of the sum assured on specific plans their brokers want to market and their ability to pay the premiums. This strategy is incorrect. Your economic situation determines the type of insurance you need; it has nothing to do with the goods on the market. A common guideline for coverage among insurance customers is 10 times annual income.
2. Choosing the least expensive policy
Many insurance consumers choose to purchase less expensive plans. This is another grave error. An inexpensive policy is not worth the salt in case the insurance provider cannot pay the claim due to premature death for any reason. Despite the insurer pays the claim, the family of the insured is not likely to want to stay in that scenario if it is extremely time consuming. If such a tragic event occurs, you should pick an insurer that will uphold its duty to honor your claim on time by comparing parameters like death claims settled with duration and the settlement ratio of the claims of various life insurance agencies.
3. Purchasing wrong plan and considering life insurance like an investment
The most common misunderstanding regarding life insurance would be its usage as a smart investment or retirement planning option. This misconception would primarily be the result of some insurance brokers who enjoy pushing pricey plans to earn high commissions. Life insurance might not be a financially sensible option as an investment when returns are compared to those of other investment options. Equity would be your best wealth development tool for young investors with a considerably lengthy horizon.
4. Buying insurance for the purpose of tax planning
Since time, agents have cajoled their customers into purchasing insurance policies to benefit from Section 80C, Income Tax Act and reduce their tax liability. Investors need to understand that insurance is likely the worst option for tax savings. Insurance returns vary from five to six percent, whereas PPF, which is another investment under 80C, offer returns of over 9 percent that are both tax-free and hassle-free. The other available 80C investment offering higher long-term free of tax returns is equity-linked savings schemes. Additionally, returns of insurance plan might not be tax-free completely.
5. Giving up on your life insurance policy or withdrawing money from it before the maturation period
It would be a grave error jeopardizing the financial stability of the family in the case of an unpleasant event. It is best to wait to use life insurance till the unlucky covered person expires. A few policyholders sell their policies for covering an instant financial need while purchasing new ones after improvement in their financial condition.
Click on to know more about life insurance. They would be your best bet to handle all kinds of life insurance quotes suitable for your specific requirements. It would be imperative that you consider looking for suitable life insurance quotes from the several available options at your behest.
If you were skeptical about finding the right life insurance quote to meet your needs and budget, consider comparing the various available offers from different life insurance companies. A prudent and thorough comparison between different life insurance companies would help you enjoy the best quotes to meet your requirements.