Scams are getting more sneaky and every homeowner needs to be aware of the rackets going around their area. There have been recent reports of scams disguised as services you need for your home, like very low cost roof repair or roof dataromas.
If you receive an offer that promises home services that sound “too good to be true”, you are probably right! Before paying any money, do your research. To protect yourself, ask yourself the following questions: has your area recently been hit with severe weather? How were you contacted about the offer? Lastly, were you provided any identification or licensing information?
Let’s look at how these situations work and how you can prevent getting scammed.
Local Recent Weather Conditions
Has your area recently been hit by a large storm or natural disaster? If so, it could be a prime target for these fraudulent companies to reach out. If someone contacts you out of the blue with free or heavily discounted home repairs, take note. There is a good chance this is fraudulent and you should end the conversation.
There are preventative measures you can take to avoid being exploited by these criminals. Do not give any of your personal or home insurance information. Doing so allows scammers to commit fraud and get away with it. Because the policy is in your name, you can be held responsible.
If you are concerned, contact your insurance company directly and alert them of the issue. Most importantly, do not provide any upfront payments or sign a document before speaking with them. It is better to be safe and make the call than sorry with possible negative aftermath!
In-Person Solicitation
One of the ways insurance fraud can be disguised is when someone comes to your home directly. Be mindful of anyone who says they represent a roofing company or insurance adjuster if you were not expecting their visit. Ask for the representative’s name and company. Before going any further, ask for their credentials and research the organization to verify its legitimacy. It is a big red flag if the person seems hesitant or refuses to share this information with yount
These “representatives” will claim your roof has significant damage, which may or may not be true. Play it safe with the tips above – they could save youfrom being held liable for someone else’s actions.
Ask for Credentials
If someone is trying to sell you on services that you did not inquire about, do not give them any personal information or homeowners insurance policy details. Fraudulent solicitation may cause you to feel fearful or pressured to make an immediate decision. If you are feeling this way in an interaction, you need to take note. You should end the conversation as soon as possible and call the customer service number for your insurance plan.
If you experience this with someone you are speaking to in-person, ask for photo identification and licensing credentials. A legitimate roofing professional will have no problem sharing these details with you, nor will they ask for your information up front. If you are on the phone, you can delay and ask them if you can call them back. However, do not actually call any number back they provide you. Look at the documents you were intitally provided for your insurance plan. This will have a phone number, and that is the number you should call to alert the call you received. They will advise you on next steps.
Trust any gut feelings or skepticism you feel during an interaction like this. You will be relieved you did!
Protect Yourself From Roof Scams
Fraudulent activity has become more complex in recent years. Pay attention to the conditions of any offer for free or very low-cost home services. If you had recent storms, receive an unplanned visit from an insurance adjuster or salesperson, or you were unaware that you were in need of repairs, play it safe and decline any offer!
Thank you both! [mb4]