If you’re in the market for original music from India, Fresh Music may be just the thing you’re looking for. Its artists come from South India and the songs are often original and catchy. In fact, it has been so popular that Worth TV decided to feature it on their national talk shows. It was launched on 4 July and has become immensely popular amongst the public. What’s even better is that the lyrics are completely devoid of caste or religion, making it an ideal choice for anyone seeking inspiration.
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The technology behind Freshmusic is unique and impressive. It uses a unique ‘Tech Stack’ to ensure that every article is unique and isn’t just another music blog. The website is a great place to find new and interesting music that you’ll enjoy. While you’re there, be sure to read through the articles to see how much passion the author has for the subject. There’s no shortage of good information about music, and the site is an excellent choice for fans of new artists.
The founder of Freshmusic, Todd Kunsman, knew from a young age that he wanted to be involved with music, but he didn’t have the time to pursue his dream career. He waited until he was done with school to begin writing reviews. After a year or so, he bought the domain name OhSoFreshMusic and began curating new artists. Since then, the site has gained a loyal following of fans and musicians.
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